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Will My Porcelain Veneers Ever Change Color?

August 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 2:41 pm

gorgeous veneer smileIf you have noticeable aesthetic flaws in your teeth, you may be thinking about disguising those imperfections with porcelain veneers. Still, you may wonder if this treatment is worth the investment. Can veneers change color and become stained over time like natural teeth, or will they maintain their original beauty for as long as you hope? This article provides the answer to that question.

Porcelain Does Not Stain

Natural teeth become stained over time because enamel is porous. It allows tiny particles, including pigments from foods, beverages, and tobacco, to sneak inside of it and cause discoloration. While porcelain looks like natural tooth enamel, it does not share its porous nature. In fact, porcelain is totally nonporous — just like glass. Pigments simply slide off of it.

Therefore, after you and your dentist choose the color for your veneers and they are custom-crafted to your specifications, the porcelain will never change color. That is one of the reasons why most cosmetic dentists recommend veneers rather than dental bonding to patients who want to make over their smile. The dental bonding material can become stained with consistent exposure to things like red wine and coffee.

So… Veneers Will Always Look Brand New?

Although the porcelain used to make your veneers will maintain its original luster for an indefinite period of time, that does not necessarily mean that the results of your treatment will always look brand new. There are a few factors that might cause your veneers to appear darker than they are:

  • Veneers are cemented onto teeth. In some cases, the cement used in the attachment process can become stained, thus causing the veneers to appear darker. If that happens, your cosmetic dentist may have to remove the veneers and reattach them with fresh cement.
  • Micro-scratches may occur in the porcelain. These tiny scratches can trap particles in them and cause the veneers to have an off-color appearance. The best way to prevent this is by using a non-abrasive toothpaste and by always being gentle when you brush your teeth. Do not try to whiten your veneers with a whitening toothpaste; such toothpastes tend to be more abrasive than regular ones and can lead to even more scratches on the veneers.
  • Very old veneers (ones that were placed decades ago) may not be made out of the same high-quality materials that are in use today. They can begin to look dull with age. If that happens, you should speak to your cosmetic dentist about getting the veneers replaced.

Do you want to make over your teeth with porcelain veneers? If you care for them properly, you can rightly expect them to maintain their original beauty for many years.

About Four Town Dental

Drs. Venu Chimmiri and Elias Deros work together to provide a broad range of dental services to residents of Enfield and the surrounding communities. If you are interested in seeing how porcelain veneers may be able to improve your appearance, contact our office today at 860-749-6088.

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